While searching for a solution to visualize the data I'm processing with my Workout tools I've been searching for an existing solution, but none fit my needs.
I was looking for something that
- generates static images. Several formats (jpg, png, svg, ...) are desirable.
- is usable within a web environment. So it must allow writing the data to STDOUT and not only to a file.
- is usable as backend for a GTK widget. It must be quite fast to cope with resizes, zooms, ... and have the hooks for mouse feedback.
- mixed lines, area and bar graphs
- at least 5 independent y-scales (elevation, speed, heartrate, power, cadence)
- allows numeric x-axis and dynamic axis label formating
- is extensible
None of the the solutions I've looked at did this.
For now I've just hacked up "something" that meets the most important needs. So there's still a lot missing and I expect quite a bit of change when the gaps are filled.
MyChart uses Cairo as drawing backend allowing it to support plenty output options including Gtk. For Gtk Support there's a prebuilt Widget.
Speed plot of concurrent SRM (red) and GPS (green) recording for getting the time of both files in sync. This allows adding elevation info to my SRM data:
Merged Workout:
0.03 2009-07-23
- MyChart now emits a signal when it needs a redraw
- MyChart::Gtk now accepts a pre-build chart as property
- added dependencies to Makefile.PL
- MyChart::Source checks for data bounds automagically
0.02 2009-04-23
- first public release