You've been playing with wattage based solutions for cycling and you've invented new swear words when you've tried to migrate your data from one solution to another?

Your Coach is only able to read files in format X, you have Y?

You've got a SRM recording and a GPS track and want to merge them into one Dataset?

You're a unix script guy and want to automate tasks related to your cycling workout data?

Well, that's the problems I've had and couldn't find a solution for. So I wrote mine. The result is a perl lib with file import/export modules, a set of filters for conversion, some command-line tools and some GTK based visualizing tools.

Adding support for more file formats should be quite easy by writing a custom Workout::Store class - especially for text/csv/xml files like ergomo or iBike.

File formats



In addition to the library modules there are some prebuilt tools for common use:

For now the tools lack any documentation beyond the short usage info they provide when invoked with --help - but at least that's something all of them offer.


0.15 2010-09-13

0.14 2009-12-25

0.13 2009-12-08

0.12 2009-12-03

0.11 2009-12-03

0.10 2009-08-01 (non-public)

0.09 2009-07-23

0.08 2009-04-24

0.07 2009-02-21

Download / Code

In case you're interested in this, you can Browse the git repository with the latest development changes on github.